
Solution for your logistic Needs

  • Role: Product Designer + Front-end Developer
  • Client: CargoMate
  • Duration: COMING SOON

Status, Role & Contribution

CargoMate is a start-up company which aims to digitize the common logistic needs.

My role is both Designing and Front-end Development for mobile & web-app.


To develop and ensure the end-product is exactly the same as design.

As a designer and developer, I can design exactly the way I want knowing the limitations. There is virtually zero hand-off friction.
Advantages of being a coding designer

Design vs Live

Let's have a look at the advantage of a coding designer for some of the approved pages so far -

Design vs Live


This has been a tremendous learning experience and enjoyable at the same time. Getting to see your own design implemented pixel-to-pixel is infinitely satisfying.

Waiting for the day both the mobile & Web application get's implemented fully.

Next Project

Magisk AI